"Piambra" 714 Piambra Road, BINNAWAY


662 Acres 268HA | 3 bed | 1 bathroom | 2 garages

             662 Acres     268HA    FREEHOLD
 *  River frontage held in the one family for 85 years
 *  Rich river flats rising to gentle hills
 *  Situated 14klms from Binnaway
 *  Subdivided into 12 paddocks
 *  Watered by Castlereagh river, 6 dams and a 
     well reticulating to house and three troughs
 *  Small set steel cattle yards and head bale
 *  Improvements include 3 bedroom home machinery
     shed and hayshed, 20 ton cone bottom silo
  *  School bus pick up at front gate to local central
      school kindergarten to year 12.

Contact:Larry Tolmie
Email:Contact Us


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